Oracle Procedures

Posted on: 2023-04-06 16:24:38

Oracle procedures are a type of stored program that can combine multiple SQL statements into a single task. The database stores procedures, which can be called by users or other programs. Additionally, they can be used to encapsulate intricate business logic that can be utilized in a variety of applications.

Oracle procedures have the following essential characteristics:

# 1.       Procedures are created using the CREATE PROCEDURE statement. The name of the procedure, the input and output parameters, and the SQL statements that make up the procedure's body are all specified in this statement.

# 2.       The values that are passed into a procedure by means of input parameters can be taken by procedures. Numbers, dates, and strings are just a few of the possible data types for these parameters.

# 3.       Additionally, procedures can have output parameters, which are used to return values to the calling program from the procedure.

# 4.       Either from within another program or procedure or by using the EXECUTE statement, procedures can be executed.

# 5.       You can control the execution flow within a procedure by using control structures like IF statements, WHILE loops, and FOR loops.

# 6.       You can also include exception handling code in a procedure to deal with errors that may arise during its execution.

# 7.       The database can be used to compile and store procedures for later use. A procedure can be run multiple times without having to be recompiled once it has been compiled.

In general, Oracle procedures are a powerful tool  for developing complex applications that call for a significant amount of business logic. They offer a means of encapsulating that logic within a single work unit that can be utilized in multiple applications.

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